Saturday, November 5, 2011

Birthdays and all that...:)

Happy Sunday everyone! It's a beautiful day indeed and before you ask, yes I'm supposed to be studying yet I am here writing. I told myself I'd get things done before I go to bed tonight or else I'll have a dozen shots of coffee and continue till it's settled. But then again, can we ever be done with studying? There will always be something, some notes, some books, to still read kan? So ya.
Yesterday was an awesome day for me. I skyped with my darling, nonsense, yet I still love sister for 4 hours. What did we talk about? Well...everything! It was so much fun! I do miss her so much. I miss all the fights and all the random things we did together. Anyway, she told me that she will be returning to Malaysia some where along mid January and would fly back to Indonesia on the 18th of February! Excuse me! We are talking about 18th February 2012 here! That's my 21st birthday! I literally cried. Yes i did. I am swearing to you that if she makes me stand in the airport, with tears, hugging and kissing goodbye on my 21st birthday, I'll chop off all her belongings here at home!
I need my birthday! You know how special birthdays are to me! And its my 21st. That means I'm legal! Wokay, not that I'm ever gonna consume alcohol or run away or anything. But the point is, its my birthday! I love celebrating the birthday's of other people and obviously I go crazy when it's my very own birthday! So, yes, I went out at 3 a.m last night and wished upon the skies that she doesn't do that to me. (And we all know that when we wish upon the skies it does come true). So ya.
Anyway, turning 21 should be fun right? Can't believe I'm that old already! But, I feel young! :) Can't wait for my birthday to roll in! And i'd so make sure that this time when I blow the candles, I wish for a wish that would come true. I still remember what I wished for this year. And did come true. But it twisted itself.
So people, remember k. This girl here turns 21 on the 18th of February 2012! :)

1 comment:

  1. you are talking about your birthday which is of coz a longggggggggggggg way to go! Wei my birthday 1st la.. :D :D :D
    You better come to my house on my birthday k! I don't expect you to bring a big gift or something! Just come and visit me and give me a warm hug while wishing me happy birthday is more than enough for me k! :) :) :) hahaha..
    In case you are rlying my cmnt, do it in fb k.. coz i mite forget to come check it here ltr.. huhuh~
